The executions at De Punt

Graduation project

As part of my graduation project at WdKA in Rotterdam, I designed a poster series highlighting a tragic moment in Dutch history that was silenced for many years. The posters tell the story of the arrival of thousands of Moluccans in the Netherlands in 1951 as a temporary solution to the political issues in Indonesia. Despite the plan for a quick return to the Moluccas, the Moluccans ended up staying in separate accommodations in the Netherlands, with most still residing there today, spanning four generations.

Personal project

  • Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam
  • Filed: Graduation, Personal, Poster, Research, Riso
  • Year: 2013

1: The train to Ambon

2: From choice to command

3: On one condition

4: Happy birthday

5: One for all for one (Mena muria)

6: Blue, white, red, green represents

7: For attention and better understanding

8: Promise makes debt