Open design

Rex #5

I was part of the team that created Rex #5 Open design, a magazine for WdKA alumni. The magazine features a unique screen-inspired design, with a computed layout, pixel-height fonts, and the use of RGB colors simulated in CMYK. Collaborating with Claudia Schoenmaker, Tim Kivits, and Tineke van Lindeberg, we were able to produce a visually striking publication.

Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam

  • Collaboration: Claudia Schoenmaker, Tim Kivits & Tineke van Lindeberg
  • Filed: Book, Cover, Data, Lettering, Poster, Research
  • Year: 2012
The book includes a folded poster cover around the book, inspired by 'the screen' like the rest of the content. The poster features the word 'open,' symbolizing open design.

Produced by Veenman+, Rotterdam.